Saviors and superheroes doom us all - by putting all agency on one individual, reinforce how things are, glossing over real problems by taking it all on themselves. It is an unrealistic delusion of comfort and safety - instead of a society that collectively decides what best serves them.
We need to explore frontiers beyond techno utopias and dystopias more carefully. Discuss a few fundamental aspects around the potential of technology in the world that we believe can enable or disrupt. Crucially this involves imagining and delivering together - so technology is built in collaboration with society.
working on wholeness & wellbeing |
Loss of home or lifestyle, loss of relationship, trust or homeland - these too can cause crippling grief. Loss of health, or a job, or anything integral to our stability, one's heart or connectedness to a sense of identity.
Grief can be many things, and the processes of grief can be long lasting, very painful and remain similar and even as difficult as experiencing loss in the form of death.
Defining what utopias and dystopias entail - not just something that's happens in a society. Like anything of value - technology and knowledge can be double-edged swords, depending on who wields it and how it gets applied.
Author Ted Chiang in addressing technology, intelligence, and life - warns us that we might all be doomed if we don’t listen. It’s a final fling outward and upward to whoever might be listening, and it elevates our human story into beauty.
His story, The Great Silence explores the search and humanistic need for communication. The parrot says that they don’t blame humans for causing their extinction - They just weren’t paying attention. The bitter truth is human narrators and characters are limited in language and communication by their own issues, beliefs, preferences.
Dominant cultures often favor themselves first and foremost, restricting and limiting options and solutions - dooming others to sad realizations and undebatable fates. For example, English being the dominant global language via the internet has caused many other dialects and languages to fall into disuse.
For the survival of a disappearing minority or unsupported community - looking for a social structure which offers workable ways of addressing problems is imperative.
Create a way of dealing - one that is consciously healthier and more constructive. And address people's concerns, issues, and complaints with better responsibly and accountably.
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